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Welcome back!
Third term is always a wonderful time to come back to school. Routines and expectations are ingrained, with learning front and centre from day one for every student. Spring feels like it is just around the corner and the days become longer. We constantly aim for students to feel settled, happy and to have clarity about their learning. With Mid-year Reports recently completed, I encourage you to make contact and discuss your child’s learning whenever you feel the need. I look forward to a successful and driven school term, working with you to help your child achieve their best.
Assembly and Book Week Dress Up
In Week 5, Tuesday 23rd of August we will be holding our Mid-Term Assemblies. This will coincide with Book Week and an opportunity to celebrate reading and learning with you. Students are invited to come dressed as their favourite character. The Kinder to Grade 2 assembly will be held at 11:15am and 3-6 (including 2-3W) will be at 1:30pm. Please come along and celebrate student learning and their achievements.
School Footy
School footy and the Boaty Bears have been simply fantastic! To witness our students come together and build as a team has been rewarding. Players/students have been ultra supportive of each other and driven to improve and have fun. The support they have shown each other and friendships formed is why team sports are so important. A special thank you to Shaun Baker for coaching the team every week, your commitment and willingness to help the team come together while teaching our students is valued and appreciated by all. Thank you Shaun and well done team!!
A special congratulations to Harry Gatenby for making the Tasmanian Cross Country Team! Harry recently competed at the State Cross Country Championships and performed so well that he made the team. We are extremely proud of you Harry and know you will train hard and leave no stone unturned in striving to do your best. We wish you all the best and look forward to celebrating your hard work and this impressive achievement with you, congratulations!
Tuesday 23rd August | Book Week Parade & Assembly |
Thursday 25th August | Grade 6 Agfest Excursion |
Tuesday 6th September | Wala Performance |
Thursday 29th September | Last Day of Term |
Friday 30th September | Public Holiday- Burnie Show Day |
Do you have a child turning 5 in 2023?
Our Pre-Kinder program will commence in Week 3 this term.
The purpose of the Boat Harbour Primary School Pre-Kinder Program is to foster the uniqueness of each child while providing authentic opportunities for growth and readiness for Kinder.
Pre-Kinder program is designed to acknowledge each child as a capable and resourceful learner and support your child's sense of self and wellbeing.
We aim to provide children with the confidence to interact with adults and other peers. Encouraging them to communicate their needs and wants and to be able to have an active approach to learning .
We support children to be confident involved learners by:
- Reading books and providing a variety of play-based learning opportunties.
- Encourage them to explore and try new things.
- Responding to their needs and interests.
- Ensuring they have warm and nurturing relationships.
- Help them identify and manage their emotions.
- Encourage them to keep trying when they can't do things.
Busy Start to Term 3 in Kinder
What a busy first week back we have had in Kinder! The students have enjoyed reconnecting with friends and exploring the different learning experiences around the rooms.
Students in 5/6G and 5/6N recently participated in a maths relay. Students were broken up into groups of 4 and were required to answer a series of maths problems. The problems were based on addition and subtraction and students had to use a variety of strategies to find the correct answers. Groups needed to answer the questions one at a time and required a correct answer before they could move on. All participants had a great time and were able to work together to apply their mathematical knowledge.
In 4/5W we have welcomed Mrs Eiszele as our classroom teacher for Tuesday and Wednesday. The children have loved getting to know her and exploring different strategies for calculating subtraction. We have also begun our unit Connecting to Country, this week we collaborated with Mrs Evetts & Mrs Lazenby’s classes to make kelp baskets.
If your child is unwell, they need to stay home. But if your child is well enough to attend school, they should be at school. Every day, Monday to Friday.
The reality of missing school
Data shows us that regular school attendance is one of the best things a child can do to set them up for success. But if they don’t attend, things get harder for them.
Let’s do the maths:
- If your child misses even just one day a fortnight, that adds up to 20 days of the school year. That’s the same as missing four whole weeks of school!
- If they miss one day a week, that doubles to eight weeks of school they’ll never get back.
- Over the course of their childhood, that equals two and a half years of vital education they’ll never receive…
We mean it, every school day counts. It all adds up.
Bright futures begin at school
The data also tells us something else: the better a child’s attendance rate, the better off they’ll be. Their future will be filled with more opportunities.
School is where they learn and grow alongside their friends, and where they benefit the most. Going to school not only promotes academic success, but also helps build important social skills, relationships and confidence.
Good attendance habits in primary school lead to good attendance habits in high school. This will help expand your child’s options even further as they grow older.
It’s ok if you need help
If you’re struggling to get your child to school, help is available. Please talk to us at school about your situation. We’ll support you, in whatever way we can.
If you need support translating or interpreting this information, contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.