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- Principal's Report
- Merit Certificates
- Out of Uniform Day
- Art Celebration
- Art Frames
- Focus on Kinder
- Cross Country
- House Points
- Kinder - Grade 2 Water Skills & Awareness Program
- Launching into Learning Programs
- School Photos
- Kinder Enrolment
- New Arrival
- Road Works Boat Harbour Primary
- Play Woolworths Cricket Blast with Wynyard and Districts Cricket Club!
- Community Notices
It was fantastic to have parents and friends attend our assemblies today, joining us to celebrate student achievements and learning from across our school. Thank you for understanding that we must have two assemblies instead of one large assembly due to COVID-19 expectations. We feel that a significant positive from this model is allowing more students to showcase their learning and highlight the breadth of curriculum classes are accessing. Congratulations to all students that received awards today, keep being aspirational while demonstrating growth, courage and respect.
Art Exhibition
We have all experienced a different year in 2020, with normal routines and events impacted in some way. Normally around this time of year, our school would be showcasing their art skills by presenting the Boat Harbour Primary School Art Exhibition. Students and staff were determined to still achieve this, however this year it will be a virtual art exhibition. The standard of art work across our school is outstanding. Our students are accessing a broad range of techniques and materials, building their range of skills, creativity and confidence. Presenting the exhibition this way has also allowed different elements of the arts to be showcased, including stop motion videos, singing, band and drama - I look forward to you enjoying the exhibition tomorrow when it goes live.
Cross Country
Participation was the key at our school cross country that was held in perfect conditions last Friday. The course ventured into our school paddock, dodging potatoes and climbing heart break hill! While running isn’t for everyone, all students demonstrated excellent persistence and resilience to complete the course. The smiles of satisfaction once students had caught their breath highlighted the accomplishment of completing something difficult and succeeding. A massive congratulations to everyone for having a go and participating on the day, well done.
Congratulations to the following students on recieveing certificates in reognition of the great work they are doing in class:
Merit Awards
Penelope, Jimmy, Zayden, Tanner
Charlotte, Iris, Leo, Maddison, Felix
Hunter, Sophia
Jovi, Maci, Cosmo, Elloise
Oliver, Jobe, Jaelyn, Bella
Bella, Toi, Kristy
Jazeps, Bryce, Lex, Indy
Deji, Matilda, Michaela, Joey
Matilda, Huegh, Aiden, Scarlett
Olivia, Emma, Teegan, Flynn
James, Jye, Sarah, Haylen
Aysha, Rachael, Ozskar, Jed
Patrick, Billie
Target 50
Matilda, Darcy, Ashley
Target 200
Sofia, Liam, Frankie, Oliver, Sam
SRC Term 3 Representitives
Brenna, Ari, Lincoln, Cooper, Banjarra, Bligh
Congratulations to the following students for their framed art work this term. Their work can be viewed in our school Art Gallery next term. Photos will be in tomorrow's Art Celebration.
Kinder - Sunny
Prep MC - Charlotte
Prep WK - Jack
1-2 BK - Gracie
1-2 EE - Jaelyn
1-2 H - Hunter
3-4 ER - Jazeps
3-4 KB - Sam
3-4 T - Christina
5-6 G - Angela
5-6 N - Brian
5-6 W- Isla Wood-Kreemers
Kinder students have been enjoying bug hunting around the Kinder yard. We have been discussing in class different insects and lifecycles. Children have been excited to find varying types of insects, so we decided to make a 'Bug Hotel'.
We discussed as a class what we think a bug hotel would need and what we could use. We suggested names to call the hotel and then voted on our favourite. Children collected many items from the Kinder yard and together they built the 'Insect Holiday House'. Children worked together to source different items and co-constructed the hotel. Lots of negotiation, compromising, team work and discussion between them on where to place the bricks, leaves rocks or logs. We are all now anticipating our new insect customers to move into their holiday house.
Well done to all the children that participated in the cross country last week. A great show of tenacity and resilience with their efforts. Thank you to all the parents and relatives that could make it along to support the children, your effort was appreciated by all. A full list of place winners will be published at a later date.
Lorraine Evans
PE Teacher
Kinder - Grade 2 Water Skills & Awareness Program
The annual Water Skills & Awareness Program for Kinder - Grade 2 students will be held from Monday, 16th November to Friday, 11th December in the school's internal courtyard using a portable pool. Information about this program was sent home earlier this week, and included booking/permission form, skills checklist and Consent form for Aquatic (water-based) Activity. Thanks to those who have completed and returned these forms, which will assist us with our planning in the coming weeks.
If your child has not returned his/her form as yet, it would be appreciated if this could be sent back to school tomorrow. If you did not receive a copy of the letter and associated forms, please find a link the sidebar of this newsletter or on the app under Forms and Documents, or contact the office for a copy. Completed forms can be dropped in to the school office.
Alternatively, please email form to as soon as possible.
Launching into Learning Programs
Pre-Kinder and Little Learners sessions will return after the school holidays on Monday 12th October. Sessions times for both these LiL programs have been increased - they will now run between 9.00am-11.00am each Monday morning in Term 4.
Pre-Kinder children will be in with Mrs Lazenby, to sing songs, read a story and enjoy some activities. The idea is to familiarise children with some school routines and build relationships with Mrs Lazenby and the other children, while parents gradually remove themselves from the space to assist in the transitioning of coming to school. While your Pre-Kinder child is making friends and enjoying some aspects of school, you can go into the other classroom and enjoy a coffee or tea and a chat with other parents.
Little Learners will be enjoying activities in the other classroom with Mrs Hill.
From 10am - 11am all children will come together to enjoy outside play and move between both classrooms. At the conclusion of both sessions at 11.00am, Mrs Lazenby will say goodbye for the morning with a story and song.
Have a safe and happy holiday, and we look forward to seeing you all again in Term 4!
Play Woolworths Cricket Blast with Wynyard and Districts Cricket Club!
Junior Blasters: For 5-7 year olds to learn new skills like throwing, catching and hitting with their friends.
Tuesdays 4.00pm - 5.00pm, starting 27th October, finishing 15th December
Master Blasters: For 7-10 year olds to learn more advanced skills and how to play in a game situation with their friends.
Thursdays 4.00pm - 5.15pm, starting 29th October, finishing 17th December
Simply register at
or use the link
and join us at the Wynyard Showgrounds (59A Jackson Street).