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- Principal Report
- Important Dates To Remember
- 2025 House Captains
- 2025 Athletics Points Tally
- 2025 Athletics Carnival Finals
- A wonderful start to 2025 in Kinder
- InitiaLit in Prep-1
- Whole School Assembly
- Little Athletics at BHPS
- 2025 Levies Policy and inclusions
- Boat Harbour Temporary Bus Stop
- Routines, Reuniting and Learning in 1/2LC
- Student Absences
- Library News
- 2025 School Photos
- Afterschool Changes
- Student Drink Bottles
- Hats for outside play!
- Canteen Counter Menu Term 1
- Grade 6 initiative
- EdSmart Absences
- School Association AGM
- 2025 Wynyard Show Gr 6 Camp Fundraiser
- Breakfast Club
- Being Nut Aware
- Rocky Cape Community Hall Market
- Smith Family
- Auskick
- Wynyard Concert Band
Welcome to 2025!
Welcome to Term 1! Students have had a settled start to the year, returning after the school holidays engaged and ready to learn.
The first three days of the year provided valuable time for professional learning and planning, as well as focusing on whole-school and system priorities- reading, attendance, and safeguarding to ensure our learners are known, safe, well, and learning.
It has been fantastic to visit each classroom and see students return refreshed and excited for the year ahead. Equally inspiring is seeing the important work of both students and teachers as they establish strong routines, build positive relationships, and create engaging learning environments for a successful year.
Athletics Carnival
The athletics carnival yesterday was a fantastic, fun-filled event, with perfect weather and plenty of energy! Our students displayed outstanding sportsmanship, giving their best effort in every event. They truly demonstrated our school value of courage by embracing challenges and trying new things with determination.
A great deal of organisation goes into making the athletics carnival a success, and it wouldn’t be possible without the support of our amazing helpers. A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the day’s smooth running and to our school community for coming along to cheer on the students. Many of our Grade 3 to 6 students will now go on to compete in the North West Carnival. We wish them all the best!
As you may be aware, there have been technical issues across all schools in Tasmania with Seesaw- the platform we use to engage families. This issue has meant that there have been some errors with connecting families to their child. As a precautionary measure to support the maintenance of student privacy a decision has been made to disconnect all families from Seesaw whilst work is being undertaken to resolve the issue. Student privacy is a priority which is why we are being cautious in relation to this issue.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. We will update you once we are advised that families can access Seesaw again and provide you with support in reconnecting if needed.
We understand how important the line of communication between home and school is and encourage you to continue communicating and working in partnership with us to support your child.
Here are some ways you can contact your child’s teacher until Seesaw is available. All messages via these methods will be passed onto your child’s teacher and they will contact you.
Phone: 6445 1187
Mobile: 0497 172 188
Week 5 Whole School Assembly
We warmly invite all parents and carers to our whole-school assembly on Friday, 7th March, at 9:15 AM. Following the assembly, you are welcome to visit your child’s classroom— a wonderful opportunity for them to share their new learning space and introduce you to their teacher if you haven’t yet had the chance. A coffee van will also be available for you to access at the conclusion of the assembly.
Monday 24th - 28th March | Grade 6 Camp |
Thursday 27th March | School Association AGM/Meeting |
Tuesday 8th April | Assembly - whole school 9.15am |
Monday 14th April - Friday 25th April | School Holidays |
Friday 18th April - Tuesday 22nd April | Easter |
Friday 25th April | ANZAC Day |
Monday 28th April - Friday 4th July | Term 2 |
Thursday 1st - 3rd May | Agfest |
Tuesday 27th May | NWPSSA 3/6 Cross Country |
Friday 6th June | Student Free Day |
Monday 9th June | Kings Birthday PH |
Tuesday 17th June | All School Cross Country |
Monday 7th July - Friday18th July | School Holidays |
Tuesday 12th August | NWPSSA 5/6 Sports Expo |
Friday 29th August | NWPSSA Devon V Darwin |
Monday 21st - Friday 26th September | Term 3 |
Monday 29th September - Friday 10th October | School Holidays |
Friday 3rd October | Burnie Show |
Monday 13th October - Thursday 18th December |
Term 4 |
Friday 31st October |
Student Free day |
Monday 3rd November |
Recreation Day PH |
Tuesday 11th November |
Rememberance Day |
Friday 14th November |
NWPSSA 3/4 Sports Expo |
Monday 17th - 28th November |
Gr 3-5 Swimming |
Friday 21st November |
All Schools Triathlon |
Thursday 18th December |
Students Last Day! |
A wonderful start to 2025 in Kinder
What a wonderful start we have had to our new kinder year! The students have been so brave at drop off times and have been sharing their beautiful smiles and stories, while they explore the kinder environment and begin to develop new friendships. We have been making the most of the warm weather and enjoying a lot of outdoor play throughout each day, as well as arts, craft, and dramatic play indoors. We are looking forward to a fantastic year together.
InitiaLit in Prep-1
We were all excited and eager to start InitiaLit in Prep-1 this week! InitiaLit is a literacy program for Foundation (Prep), Year 1, and Year 2 that helps children become confident readers and writers. This term, Mrs Baker/Mrs Eiszele will be teaching the Grade 1 group. Mrs Matthews/Mrs Coward and Miss Hayes will be teaching the Prep groups. Here is a snapshot of our first week – counting words in a sentence, listening for same sounds, rhyming words, syllables, vowels and tricky words.
Our Whole School Assembly will be on Froday the 7th of March with open classrooms following assembly.
Spilt Milk and Beans- Mobile Coffee Van will also be in the carpark for all your Coffee needs!!
Last Friday we welcomed Zane Patmore from ‘Little Athletics Australia’ who brought with him some running tips and tricks for our students ahead of our own Athletics Carnival. Zane’s main running messages were - Our legs are power! Move knees up high and feet down quick. Our arms give us stability, balance and speed. Swing our hands from our hips to our lips for the best running speed.

Routines, Reuniting and Learning in 1/2LC
A great few weeks back at school, getting back to class routines, reuniting with friends and learning in 1-2LC.
2025 Wynyard Show Gr 6 Camp Fundraiser
Our annual Grade 6 Camp Fundraiser is coming around again at the Wynyard Show.
If you are a Grade 6 parent and would like to volunteer some time or some of the listed ingredients please let Jackie at the office know :)